I’m sorry coz i’m always make u upset with my act..n i know at the same time u don’t want to make me feel lonely ...u try to make me happy n meet all the thing that i want, even it can disturb your time to rest after tired works....i’m sorry for all thing that make u inconvenient n hurt...
Now syer da phm how your style to solve these problem....walaupom kdg2 syer agak naughty sikit, that not mean sayer da tak phm awk k...dont be easy to think yg bukan2 ek...but syer mmg suka buat awak flustered JJJJJJJ....
2 borak2:
hehehehe..nk tujukan kt sape tu..mesti kt buah hati an?? XD..anyway. u soo cute dear...^.^
hihih...tq yunk!...myb...nak bg dia smile ckit bila bace..hihih...
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