yesterday i have a great day with my beloved person...
kitorg kuar p jln2 a half day at KB..hihihi...setelah i think 3 weeks tak kuar,,
cam ngan lame sgt lain 3 month tak jumpew pom tak der apew2...
ila 3 weeks tak jumpa da bising kan....hahahha...biasew la jiwa remaja kan...
lagi pom lam cuti nim agak boring la...nasib baik my sis adew kat umh...klu tak mmg puas tahap gabang la rasenya...
so ..yesterday kitaorg p PC FAIR coz i want to buy a hard disk..mmg dah lame la mengidamnya...but b4 PC FAIR the price a very ila bungkuskan hjt tu dlu...coz sem dpn bru nak beli...biasew la..bila duip PT masuk baru blh nak enjoy ckit...
bila da tau PC FAIR adew buat at KBMALL...ila apew lagi p la tgk...but..i'm so frustrating coz the price also expensive than usual...ila pom cam tak der mood la...after that, my pakcik nie ajak ila p tgk kdai kat atas kot2 more cheap than the price PC FAIR offer...
bila da tgk2.. my pakcik nim suh ila choose jew y maner nak...coz dia agak berminat gak ngan hard disk nim n dia pom mensyor gak ila belikan utk kmudahan...but ila tak plh pom..ila suh dia y pilh...coz ila cam segan gitu..hihihi
so last2 dia y plh as below...hiihihi...

bila da settle semua....ila apew la
tersengeh2 cam kerang busuk...hihihi...happy la kan
bila apew y kite nak something y dah lame di idamkan tiba2 jew dpt..
my pakcik lak turut happy bila tgk makcik dia happy...
thank to my cym coz give me something that i really want it..
sometime i feel i have so much cumber to you..
but you always think i like a baby to meet all their want..
pew2 pom thnk byk2 ek...
cym kamu always...:)))
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